Sunday, November 29, 2009

Improbable Monument Proposal

My initial understanding of a monument is to create something that holds meaning to a particular event or understanding of a particular issue. I realize that in order for a monument to reach a broad audience it must be a controversial issue as well as an important historical issue. I am leaning towards designing a monument to Slavery or Slaves in America that I would love to place in the lawn of the White House. The monument would be to show the importance of African Americans in the history of America and how the initial American society was so judgmental. The first idea I had for a monument would be President Washington whipping a slave on the lawn of the White House. My other possible vision was of a chain-gang of slaves being put up for auction on the steps of the White House, how I imagine it must have been much like back in the day. I am aware that these monument ideas may seem racist or possibly just in bad taste but the fact is that this did happen and it is a part of each Americans history. The monument could also be aimed toward one particular slave or group of slaves. I really feel like the placement of the monument must be put in an official American political site such as the White House or various other Washington D.C. locations.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Culture Jamming

These are some images which I have used to help me visualize my project. I want to create an urban type environment using the Nike logo and catch-phrase. I have chosen various pictures which depict the type of mood I hope to capture in my finished product.

My Creation:

Final Version:
Rough Draft:

Nike uses the slogan, Every Damn Day Just Do It! I represented this idea with urban baseball. I thought the idea of a baseball swing in a destructive manner would still apply to this slogan. Nike doesn't suggest exactly what it is that should be done every day but it does suggest some sort of action to be taken. This is why I combined the idea of urban destruction with baseball and the slogan and logo. Every Damn Day Just Do It!

Culture Jamming

Other Artist Work used for inspiration.

I created an Apple Icon with their original color scheme mixed with the idea of San Francisco, specifically the Castro because they also use a rainbow as their symbol. This might not be a true culture jam but it is an interesting mix of ideas to me.