Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Google Earth Project

These are snapshots of my project because I could not figure out how to put entire project up. They give a visual idea of what my project was like.

As I worked on this project I really wanted to show where I have lived. I did not think about doing anything fancy because honestly thats not my lifestyle. I like the idea of simplicity and i try to use that in my work. I will be placing a timeline of my life starting with my home in Los Angeles then moving down to San Diego and finally ending here in San Francisco. Well not ending but for now thats where I am at. I will use pictures that related to my life along the way to help illustrate all the fond memories I have.

Google Earth Project

I really enjoyed the project because it allowed me to see my old houses and various important locations. I had never really used the program before but the concept was very easy to understand. I like that you could zoom up super close to street level because when I looked at my home address in L.A. I could see my truck parked in front of my house. I thought that was neat!
I am sure I will keep this program on my computer in order to get a better idea of what the world looks like.

Ideas for Google Earth

These are some pictures that are to help me remember specific times which I want to put on my timeline. There is the idea of my dogs which is from when I lived in San Diego, my Grandfather to show my heritage which is from Central America, and the cute picture of me on a pony to show where I grew up in Los Angeles.

Sol Lewitt Response

14. The words of one artist to another may induce an idea chain, if they share the same


This is the 14th rule in the Sentences on Conceptual Art and it really seems like this makes the most sense to me because all art seems to stem from a previous art form. It also rationalizes that if artist are generally thinking the same sort of idea, the final project done individually will be different. The concept however may be spread by the "idea chain" through the artist pipeline. It is very relevant to the idea of conceptual art because all artist can have the same concept essentially but each individual project will be different.

Google Earth Project


Google Earth Project

This is my first attempt at blogging so please bare with me. I am attempting to use the Google Earth program in order to create some sort of visually or mentally stimulating response from the viewer. This may not necessarily be the assignment but that was my understanding of it. I have been scouring the internet and the program itself to figure out what I want to do yet I am still having a problem coming up with a definete plan. As of right now I have a main plan of attack which is to chart out all the places I have lived in California. I also want to try and use it as a place-mark for what my ancestors and possibly use it as a sort of family tree.

Old post that I had not put up...


Rough Draft of My Chance Project

Rough Draft

Lyrical Poetry- 2 Lines at a time

Cuz we Dodgers and Impalas with the windows tinted,

I duck shots where Venus and Sarena used to play tennis,

To be point blank with you motherfuck the game

I got all this work on me, I ain't come for play,

They say we ain't got the style

We ain't got the class,

Swear my times never cheap

I fake my life like Ive lived Too much,

I take whatever youre given,

Not enough,

There's no recollection

of the evil things I've done,

My head feels like I musta' had some fun,

And everything's spinning

You're beginin' to think women

We could have a hell of a night, through the day

She blamed it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol,

I'm just tryin' to be the great, tryin' to get a piece of cake

Take it offa your plate, eat it right in your face

They got a whole lot to say but I don't listen

Sticky situation in fact

Tryin not to let the feelings catch,

But, before you say another word,

I'm back on the block like a man on the street,

Well I'd do anything for a blonde-dike

And she'll do anything for the limelight

And we'll do anything when the time's right

Man I been in and outta trouble since an adolescents

Spoiled rotten, dead fresh, wit no daddy present,

I don't beg I can hold my own

I don't break I can hold the chrome

And this weighin' a ton and I'm a son of a gun

My code name is The Only One,

Damn I shouldn't start that talk,

but life is one big question when your starin at the clock.

Chance Project

Chance Project: Lyrical Poetry

You have been given a list of 15 songs that are by various musical artists. I would like you to create a poem based off of chance with previously used lyrics.

1- Each song has been assigned a letter at random which will be used as each songs source of identification.

2- The poem must be compiled by taking random lyrics from each song based on the letter and your random judgement.

-Rules for choosing lyrics:

a. You must choose two lines of lyrics in succession in order to create some sort of balance.

b. You must choose lines from the songs based on which ever line speaks to you.

c. You must use at least 2 lines from each song.

d. You must compile a poem which is at least 20 lines, longer if necessary but not shorter.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Important African-Americans

Barack Obama, Tubman, Douglas, and various slaves are all placed around the Emancipation Proclamation. This is a sort of idea pathway that I am using to get to the final monument idea. I am basing this project idea on slavery in America and the importance of the humble African-American slaves who were crucial to the development of civil rights and liberties.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ideas for placement of monument

I would like to place the slavery monument at various building in Washington D.C.
The Capitol building, the White House, and various other important buildings in this area would be the primary target area.